The Rolling Battery That Fixes EV Charging’s Big Problems

Driving an electric vehicle is still foreign to many residents in other parts of the United States. California is a different story. Home to 47% of the electric vehicles in the US (as of 2015), unexpected issues have come up. By reason of the lengthy refuel time of batteries, it was logical to turn parking spots into fueling stations. Alex Davies accurately identifies the issues with the dual use of the parking spots.

“DRIVING AN ELECTRIC car has a lot of upsides: A quiet, smooth ride. Tons of torque for great acceleration. No gas to buy, access to the HOV lane, and that warm, fuzzy feeling you get knowing you aren’t burning fossil fuels.

But charging the damn thing sure can be a pain. If you want to plug in anywhere but your garage, you’ve got to there’s a charger wherever you’re going, and hope someone isn’t using it when you need to (fat chance).

That just got a whole lot easier for people who drive their Nissan Leaf, Tesla Model S, or Fiat 500e to work at LinkedIn every day. The company is providing EV chargers on wheels, an interesting idea that eliminates two things that make charging such a hassle.”

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