FreeWire Recognized By The German Energy Agency

FreeWire was recognized by the “German Energy Agency”, dena, as one of the Top 100 startups from the “Start Up Energy Transition” global initiative. Dena initiated the Energy Transition Award to acknowledge that the global energy transition is not only one of the biggest challenges in human history, but also a tremendous, exciting economic opportunity. Over 100 collaborative partners from more than 25 countries supported the initiative. They included the Interna-tional Energy Agency (IEA), the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the internationally renowned Rocky Mountain Institute/Carbon War Room alliance, the European Climate Foundation (ECF), the international incubator Hub:rum, Climate-KIC, KIC Inno Energy, and a number of key industrial associations from Germany.

After carefully evaluating more than 500 applications from 66 different countries, an expert jury chose FreeWire as one of the top 100 startups in the field. An integral part of the energy transition discuss inevitably involves energy storage. The jury recognized FreeWire’s unique approach where battery technology is used for bridging gaps to accelerate industries forward to clean energy.

FreeWire stands among other companies in the industry, each tackling a different difficult yet pressing issue in the energy landscape. To name a few, innovators have bred new gas-to-liquid-fuel, small gas turbines, and floating photovoltaics.

See the entire list here.

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