August 8, 2017

FreeWire Appoints Forrest North As VP of Systems Integration

Forrest North has officially joined FreeWire Technologies as VP of Systems Integration, the team announced this week. In his new role, Forrest will be spearheading the company’s initiative to segue the Mobi technology from small-scale development to mass-scale production.

Forrest first began building battery packs for the Stanford Solar Car Project as an undergraduate. Since then, he has amassed nearly two decades of experience in electric vehicles, battery systems, and product development. In 2010 he founded Xatori, the parent company of PlugShare. The company was acquired by Recargo, Inc. in 2013, appointing Forrest to COO post-acquisition. In addition to growing PlugShare into the most widely-used EV charging app, Forrest led the development of an on-board energy management and visualization tool for EV drivers and fleet operators.

However, it is his experience at Tesla Motors, and as the founder of Mission Motors, that established Forrest’s reputation as a creative developer for EV battery technology. During his time at Mission, Forrest designed novel batteries that pushed the limits of pack level energy density. His team set a land speed record with their prototype all-electric motorcycle, the Mission One. At Tesla, Forrest worked on early battery packs for the Roadster from safety testing to prototype and pre-production.

“FreeWire’s hardware and software technologies are well positioned to play a disruptive role in the growth of EVs and Distributed Energy,” Forrest said. “I am thrilled to play an active role in moving the product from the selected pilot phase to commercial rollout.”

FreeWire CEO Arcady Sosinov echoed Forrest’s enthusiasm. “Our team has been searching for the ideal candidate to scale our technology while maintaining the high-quality of performance that our customers expect. Forrest is the secret sauce to helping that process move along seamlessly.”

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