3rd Annual Fleet Electrification US

4/25/2023 — 4/26/2023
Washington DC

Electrification of fleets, both private and public, is advancing at a breakneck pace in the US. To ensure a successful transition to electric fleets, the operators must plan ahead and devise a strategy that integrates charging, energy supply and grid infrastructure, digital monitoring tools, funding, and workforce training.

The conference will present the federal and state programs and will feature utilities with their initiatives for supporting the electrification of fleets. It will showcase the plans and perspectives of leading private and commercial electric fleet operators and discuss major considerations in building an optimal fleet electrification strategy. The conference will also offer a platform for technology providers to showcase their solutions to address the challenges faced by electric fleet managers.

The event will provide an opportunity to engage in much-needed strategic and technical conversations with thought leaders in the rapidly evolving fleet electrification industry in the US.

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