October 28, 2022

Biden’s Climate Goals Challenged by Where to Make EV Chargers

Domestic manufacturers are concerned about their ability to meet growing demand, an agency spokesperson said.

The department in its waiver proposal said only three manufacturers — California-based ChargePoint Inc., FreeWire Technologies Inc., and Rhombus, recently acquired by BorgWarner Inc. — thought they had existing fast charger systems that comply with Buy America requirements as of last year, while other companies, including Tritium, could have them in the future.

Some companies are split over whether Buy America should be waived or allowed to go into effect.

Tritium, which asked the agency to cut the second phase of the waiver, said it expects to have capacity at its new factory to produce 6,000 units a year by the end this year, and 28,000 annually by the end of 2023.

FreeWire supports the waiver and asked for more flexibility, but William Kregel, vice president of government affairs at BorgWarner, told the agency the waiver would disadvantage manufacturers — such as Rhombus — that put money into meeting Buy America requirements.

Read more: Biden’s $5 Billion EV Charger Plan Skips Interstate Rest Stops

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