FreeWire Impact 2022

Blog - April 12, 2023

Environmental and Community Impact 2022

FreeWire Technologies, Inc. (FreeWire) was founded in 2014 and is an industry leader in ultrafast EV charging and energy management solutions, addressing grid infrastructure constraints and supporting the global transition to electric vehicles (EVs). We believe that a sustainable and decarbonized future is possible and we’re taking action to achieve that goal.  


Emissions Reductions

Globally, transportation is the leading contributor of CO₂ emissions, accounting for 38% of emissions across all sectors. A rapid shift to EVs is necessary in order to reduce emissions and meet crucial climate goals. As sales of new EVs grow exponentially year over year, it is expected that new vehicle sales in the U.S. will reach 50% EV by 2030, and both private and publicly-accessible ultrafast charging infrastructure will be a key piece of the overall electrification puzzle to support this growth.

Sources: IEA Transport; IHS Global Insight, Goldman Sachs Research

Today, ultrafast charging infrastructure lags far behind what is needed to support the pace of EV sales. There are several reasons for this, an important one being the time it takes to upgrade grid infrastructure to support the power needed for ultrafast charging, which can take months or years.

FreeWire’s battery-integrated charging technology reduces input power requirements and offers a solution for site hosts to provide ultrafast charging without the need for costly and time-consuming grid upgrades. The availability of this technology will speed up the charging infrastructure buildout and ultimately help the world transition to greener forms of transportation.

Metrics That Matter: 2022 Highlights


Sustainable Business Practices

Emission reductions in the transportation sector driven by FreeWire’s products are not the only metric by which environmental sustainability is measured. FreeWire’s responsibility extends to every part of the value chain.

For instance, we are currently in the process of certifying Boost Charger™ under the EPA’s ENERGY STAR program. FreeWire collects energy consumption data from its facilities and tracks emissions from freight shipping partners to help the company make more informed decisions when it comes to energy efficiency. 

FreeWire also partners with third-party firms for materials recycling to cut down on the amount of waste the company produces. We work with a local e-waste recycling organization to recycle oils, hazardous waste, and electrical equipment. FreeWire’s operations team frequently conducts waste analyses to reduce the amount of material needed to manufacture chargers, without compromising quality.  


Social Responsibility

FreeWire is committed to fostering a culture of inclusivity and diversity, where everyone is valued and supported. We believe a diverse team that brings together different perspectives and ideas makes our company stronger, and is essential to solving the complex challenges facing our industry.

Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion program is designed to promote a culture of inclusivity within the organization. The program has a two-fold focus: attracting and recruiting a diverse pool of new employees, and retaining and supporting existing employees from underrepresented groups. A diverse and inclusive workforce fosters innovation, promotes better problem-solving, and is a more accurate representation of the communities it serves. 

FreeWire has a partnership with The Emerson Collective’s FirstGen Internship Program. The FirstGen program is an initiative to promote and support new talent in the workforce while supporting underrepresented communities. FirstGen interns typically are the first in their family to attend college and likely have faced and overcome socio-economic barriers to higher education. FreeWire will host 10 interns from the Emerson Collective’s FirstGen Internship program in 2023. 

Hiring managers at FreeWire also receive training to help with better candidate evaluation during our hiring process. Interview for situational awareness, and avoiding biased preference, has built a striking team of leaders and doers. 

FreeWire’s core values are ingenuity, resourcefulness, conviction, and perseverance. To pursue and uphold these values, FreeWire’s leadership team has established a values committee, comprised of employees nominated from across the company. These individuals represent a wide range of functionalities and geographies, with a spokesperson from each department. The goals of the committee are to develop and implement recommendations on how to incorporate company values into each department’s daily work and to encourage a positive and inclusive company culture.


Connecting with the Community

FreeWire’s impact extends outside the company offices and manufacturing facilities to the greater communities in which we operate. We aim to support our communities in a number of ways.

FreeWire recently partnered with the Ford Minority Dealer Association. This partnership is designed to help meet the demands of Ford’s Model E program. FreeWire intends to partner with more minority dealer associations and expand access to affordable charging throughout 2023 and beyond.

FreeWire works to support cities in their climate and transportation goals. In order to improve the company’s communication with local environment and transportation planning, FreeWire has partnered with the Sacramento Clean Cities Coalition, Utah Clean Cities, Louisiana Clean Fuels, and DFW Clean Cities Coalition to provide our expertise in their efforts to decarbonize the mobility landscape.


Impacting the Future

FreeWire’s board of directors and leadership team are committed to enforcing the company’s environmental and community practices. These practices aim to help the company make more informed decisions in regard to energy efficiency, limit the amount of waste FreeWire produces across all functions, and promote a more inclusive culture both internally and externally. We are proud to manufacture products that will drive decarbonization and to do so in a way that will improve the environment and communities around the world.


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