April 15, 2019

How Volvo Enhances Customers’ Experience Through The Connected Car

Arif Rafiq has worked for a number of leading technology firms, from AOL to Yahoo! to being a General Manager of a business at Amazon. He also founded and ran a content management software provider. When he joined McDonald’s as the company’s first ever chief digital officer, he had an understanding of digital business and digital disruption that few among digital immigrant organizations have. In his role, he defined the future of our customer experience, powered by technology for that company.

Nearly two and a half years ago, he joined Volvo Cars as Chief Digital Officer and Global Chief Information Officer. Again, he brought an unusual perspective to an industry that was new to him. He focused on two areas, chiefly:

  1. Using digital to create a more seamless experience when buying a car
  2. Leveraging digital technology to create a more connected experience once customers have the car.
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