August 19, 2019

Leveraging Charging Infrastructure to Accelerate EV Sales

EV markets have grown considerably since 2010 driven primarily by government policies and advances in battery technology. Although the growth is encouraging, purchase subsidy programs in major markets are beginning to phase out, likely to slow in near-term growth. Additionally, plug-in EV (PEV) ownership largely remains an option for select consumer groups rather than the mass market due to an insufficient public charging solution. The EV industry is striving to deploy sufficient public charging options, but an initial sustainable development business model is doubtful due to low utilization among early EV adopters—this makes private investment difficult.

Although the business model is in question, analyses indicate public charger deployments are positively affecting PEV adoption. This finding is encouraging for PEV market stakeholders, and should be considered when designing policies to speed PEV adoption. There are many ways to support public charging, and a growing collection of solutions are emerging on behalf of steady progress, with technology standards and innovative approaches using communication protocols and energy storage technologies.

This Navigant Research strategy insight report analyzes the relationship between public charger deployment and PEV demand. It also assesses current industry challenges and issues with existing market support policies as well as industry practices. The report provides an overview of upcoming industry innovations and ways industry stakeholders can speed the PEV industry development cycle

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