March 20, 2020

Mobile EV Chargers

Charging Vans, Portable Chargers, and Temporary Chargers: Global Market Analysis and Forecasts

The perpetual increase of the EV population and its expansion into new ownership cases and vehicle types is exposing gaps and pain points with the current stationary charging solutions. The market for EV chargers is evolving quickly and customers are nervous that the solution they invest in may become obsolete sooner than expected. The feed-in infrastructure for EV charger deployments may not be able to scale as quickly as EV charging demands require, frustrating EV deployments. Lastly, the public charging services in many markets may not yet be well recognized by or satisfactory for many new EV owners. Mobile EV chargers are designed to fill these gaps and relieve the pain points.

Mobile EV chargers include portable chargers, charging vans, and temporary chargers. For industry stakeholders, the mobile EV charging solution presents opportunities to improve the convenience of EV ownership and generate a new market for the off-take and reuse of EV batteries. For the EV charging industry, it also presents opportunities to provide new financial solutions and enhanced services to EV owners.

This report from Navigant Research, a Guidehouse company, provides an assessment of the market for mobile EV chargers, including technologies, market drivers and challenges, the competitive landscape, and the extent by which the market is likely to grow over the next decade given the momentum of global EV markets. Forecasted technologies in this report include portable chargers, charging vans, and temporary chargers. Forecasts on these technologies are provided from 2020 to 2030 broken out by major global region.

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