MOVE 2019

2/12/2019 — 2/13/2019

The world’s most important mobility event, where disruptive technology and innovation drive much needed change.

Stream Keynote: “Shaping consumer behavior – learnings from the Hammersmith pilot”, by Roy Williamson, Vice President Advanced Mobility, BP and Arcady Sosinov, CEO, FreeWire Technologies
Where? Energy and Charging Stream
When? 11:20 am, Tuesday, February 12th

Roundtable: “Identifying consumer EV charging needs specific to the community type”, by Arcady Sosinov, CEO, FreeWire Technologies
Where? Energy and Charging Stream
When? 12:40 pm, Wednesday, February 13th

Talk: “Flexible charging infrastructure to help scale up EV adoption”, by Arcady Sosinov, CEO, FreeWire Technologies
Where? Auto Future Stream
When? 3:55 pm, Wednesday, February 13th

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