Mobi Gen Provides Electrification Beyond the Grid for Estas Manos Coffee

Innovative mobile kiosks called Cuberts are popping up all around the San Francisco Bay Area. Designed and manufactured by Off the Grid, Cubert is a mobile and modular pop-up kitchen and retail space that allows brands, venues, and creators to activate temporary space with style and ease. When a Cubert housing Estas Manos Coffee Roasters was deployed at the Salesforce Transit Center in downtown San Francisco, the unit initially relied on power supplied from publicly accessible outlets. Power was low, intermittent and insufficient to run the multitude of caffeine-procuring devices. A FreeWire Mobi® Gen was deployed to deliver additional power to enable operations throughout the day. The Mobi unit contains an 80 kWh battery, which is continually charged by the low power outlet, while simultaneously discharging up to 13 kW necessary to meet the coffee shop requirements. The Mobi Gen unit is supplying clean, quiet, reliable power all day, and is fully recharged at night when demand charges are typically low.

Is your business impacted by low or unreliable power at the grid edge? Discover how Mobi Gen can revolutionize your relationship with the grid by scheduling a demo today.

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